July 1, 2024


Rev 2, 7

Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.


Dear Readers,


in 1972, the 11th International Congress of Audiologists took place in Budapest (Hungary). The Hungarian post office dedicated a stamp with a picture of an ear to this congress.


Almost two thousand years before, John wrote seven “letters” on behalf of Jesus to seven churches in Asia Minor. These letters also deal with the topic of “listening”! It was dedicated to readers to alert them to listen carefully to what Jesus Christ says to his worldwide church. They are admonitions and greetings from heaven. There, King Jesus Christ reigns over his worldwide church. His words are always valid for all Christians in all places around the world and at all times.


All seven letters call on us to listen carefully. All those who belong to the Christian community should listen carefully to what God's Spirit has to tell them. Because all Christians also have ears. No matter whether old or young, women or men. Everyone should listen carefully to what the Spirit of God is saying to them. They should not keep their ears shut, when God speaks to them.


With these letters, the Lord Jesus Christ sends an Interim Report to his people He sends a kind of “checklist” to his congregations. The Christians should specifically check whether they are still on the right track or what they need to change. This is very important to Jesus. Because Jesus wants to prepare his congregations for his return.


This involves, for example, the question of love for Jesus Christ. Is this relationship with him still characterized by love? Or is there nothing left burning in the heart? And what about their love to their neighbors? Or, Jesus asks about faithfulness to him even in times of suffering. In another passage, Jesus encourages the small church, which consists of only a handful of Christians, to be faithful. He encourages these faithful ones to remain patient with him. Jesus addresses these and many other important topics in his interim report. I encourage you to read these short statements from heaven for yourself.


This interim test is important to God! The churches and their leaders should therefore also take the time to deal intensively with these topics of faith. As a matter of course, we do this in other areas of life: 


Athletes, students and professionals are constantly checking where they stand with their knowledge and skills. If you are interested in your sports activities, your exercises or in your job, aren’t you always checking what you can do better or even try to improve?


Or think of your computer or smartphone. These devices need regular software updates to keep them up to date. It is quite dangerous to neglect such updates.


Faith is no different. The epistles of Revelation offer us an update of faith. We should always have our faith in Jesus Christ, tested and corrected by the Holy Spirit.


Jesus Christ offers us his help! He wants to help us to remain “light and salt” in our society. This is especially valid in the 21st century. He wants to help us to live our faith every day with the power of the Gospel and to joyfully pass on the good news to our fellow human beings, in word and deed. Jesus wants us to remain faithful to him.  


God grants us Christian followers the courage to listen to these intermediate tests. May God give us ears that are willing to listen even when the Spirit of God provides uncomfortable things which he tells us. God does not speak according to our mouths. May he give us ears of the heart that are open to his love  and at the same time admonishing help.


Thank you very much for listening to me. I cordially invite you to the next devotion on July 15. Until then, I wish you God's blessing and protection in spirit, soul, and body through our Lord Jesus Christ.

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© 2023 Hans-Peter Nann