September 15, 2024
Deuteronomy 30, 15
See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction.
Dear Readers,
there is hardly anyone in Germany who will remember September 15, 1949. This was the day when Konrad Adenauer was elected as the first Federal Chancellor after the war by the German Bundestag (the German parliament). At this time Adenauer was 73 years old, and he stayed on as Chancellor of the government for a total of 14 years.
His election as Chancellor was extremely close. He was elected Chancellor by a majority of just one vote. This one-vote majority was decisive for the future policy of the young Federal Republic of Germany. Adenauer now led the Federal Republic into a close relationship with the United States as the world power. And Adenauer strived for reconciliation with France. He wanted political and economic integration with neighboring European countries.
This one majority vote was decisive for the history of the young Federal Republic. It was his own vote that elected him, Chancellor.
Our vote counts too. Your vote can make a difference when you vote politically or get involved in a social cause. It is the same with faith in our God. Even in ancient times, God gave his people the choice to decide for or against him. It was a decision between happiness and unhappiness, between life or death. It has remained the same to this very day. God says: Whoever chooses against me chooses misfortune, ultimately chooses death.
Those who are for him choose life, find peace and share in the victory over death with Jesus Christ. Those who choose to live with Jesus Christ choose life, choose the good. I encourage you to check this out and read the Gospel of John. Every sentence breathes life. Every sentence brings light.
Our Lord Jesus Christ wants a clear confession. He already demanded this from his listeners back then. He says in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 12 verse 30: “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.” For him, there are no “non-voters” as in politics. In a democracy, I can decide whether to vote or turn my back on politics. That is not possible with God. Jesus Christ gives every person the choice to decide for or against him.
On a ballot paper, you can put your cross next to the candidate you choose. Jesus Christ asks that we make our “cross” with him, our crucified Savior. On the cross of Golgotha, HE also took your guilt upon himself. With HIM we find forgiveness and a new beginning in life. Jesus Christ has reconciled us with God the Father. HE gives us eternal life. Jesus Christ invites every person to choose HIM and to choose life with God. Jesus Christ invites us to choose a life with the loving Father in heaven. Your voice counts in heaven.
Thank you very much for listening to me. I cordially invite you to the next devotion on October 1. May our good God bless you and may He put his loving hand over you to protect you in soul, mind and body.
This text was translated using DeepL (free version), edited by R. Jordan